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Sermon Illustrations about Human Condition

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Condition to help bring your sermon to life.

Mountaineer Felt Grief in His Physical Heart

Men's Health portrayed the life of a man who believed his heart attack was caused primarily by grief. Acclaimed mountaineer Conrad Anker and his team ...

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Transgenderism—The Lego Kit or Art Restoration View

In his book Transgender, author/pastor Vaughn Roberts draws on a distinction made by John Wyatt between the "Lego kit" view of the human body ...

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God Lovingly Writes Himself into His Own Story

In a video on YouTube, Pastor Tim Keller says:

Dorothy Sayers wrote a series of detective novels focused her fictional character Lord Peter Wimsey. Sayers' ...

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How Much Sin Could God Allow Into Heaven?

In his book (Re)union, Bruxy Cavey asks the question:

How much sin do you think it would be wise for God to let into heaven? What would be the acceptable ...

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Richard Dreyfuss Reflects on His Mortality

The actor Richard Dreyfuss claims that he has a keen sense of his own mortality. He is an agnostic, but he believes in at least the possibility of reincarnation. ...

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Religion Is on the Decline but Guilt Persists

In a New York Times article, columnist David Brooks argues, "Religion my be in retreat, but guilt seems as powerfully present as ever." To make ...

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Heartbreak Looks Like Drug Withdrawal in the Brain

A few years ago, Yeshiva University neuroscientist Lucy Brown and her research team distributed flyers across several campuses in the New York area to ...

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Atheist Confuses Watchful Heavenly Father with Spying Big Brother

Some contemporary atheists are arguing that even belief in God is not so much like the child's comfort blanket; it is like the child's nightmare. ...

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HSAM—a Medical Condition Where People Can Not Forget

While the Bible depicts forgetting mostly in dire terms related to apostasy, it also presents some instances when it is a blessing. There are some things ...

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N.T. Wright's Projected Last Words

When the Bible scholar N.T. (Tom) Wright was asked what he would tell his children on his deathbed he said, "Look at Jesus." Tom Wright explained ...

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