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Sermon Illustrations about Human Depravity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Depravity to help bring your sermon to life.

When Wrath Is Appropriate

In Fleming Rutledge's new book, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, she acknowledges the difficulty that modern people have ...

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Research Shows That Cheaters Get a "Cheater's High"

Do you ever wonder why people cheat—or feel tempted to cheat—on expense reports, taxes, exams, and other endeavors? According to a series ...

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Research Shows We Inflate Our Good Qualities

Here's some good news: if you're like most people, you're way above average—at almost everything. Psychologists call this the state ...

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The Terrible Price of Sin

In his book Finishing Strong, Steve Farrar sums up well the terrible price of sin:

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go,

Keep you longer ...

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Choosing to Live in Darkness

At first glance Steve and Kathryn's home might look like a dingy basement apartment. But then you notice that everything rests on crates. You see, ...

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Tolkien's Gollum Illustrates Well the Deformity Caused by Sin

Gollum. What a great name. Just from the sound of it, you can tell that it is attached to a ne'er-do-well.

Gollum is the slimiest character in J. R. ...

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Suffering from Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome

On August 23, 1973, Jan Erik Olsson, out on parole from prison, attempted to hold up a bank in Stockholm, Sweden. When the police showed up, Olsson took ...

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How Our Standards Erode

Integrity, whether at work or at home, is not the sort of thing you work on every now and then. You don't set aside one day a month to work on your ...

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Crime Has Become Entertainment

We live in a strange society where we make documentaries of serial killers, movie idols out of organized crime members, authors out of political crooks, ...

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Money Not at Fault

The fault does not lie in the money, but in them that use it.

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