Sermon Illustrations about Human Limitations
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Limitations to help bring your sermon to life.
The Point of No Return
Evildoing has a threshold magnitude. Yes, a human being hesitates and bobs back and forth between good and evil all his life. He slips, falls back, clambers ...
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Popularity Doesn't Make It Right
Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God.
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An Uneasy Confrontation
The late professor Jacques Monod, the famous French geneticist and Nobel prize winner, in the course of a television session in Toronto with Mother Teresa, ...
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A World Without Conscience
The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
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Excellent Compared to What?
I can't think of anything I do but what somebody I know does it better. Joe is more disciplined to exercise, Bob plays better golf, Hymman is more ...
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To Forsake the World and Follow Christ
[The] inner goal, to forsake the world and follow Christ, cannot be had by one's own natural powers but is by the free gift of God.
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Grave Talk: No Glib Comments
When people started fearing death in earnest, they stopped talking about it.
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You Don't Have to Do It All
God does not require that each individual shall have capacity for everything.
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Seeing Things One Way
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
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Seeking Balanced Christianity
Balanced biblical Christianity is a rare phenomenon. It seems to be a characteristic of our fallen minds that we find it easier to grasp half-truths than ...
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