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Sermon Illustrations about Human Limitations

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Limitations to help bring your sermon to life.

Hey Google, Is There a God?

In April of 1966, Time magazine set off a firestorm of public debate by publishing a cover story asking the question: “Is God Dead?” But looking ...

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Olympic Marathon Runner Took Fifty Years to Finish the Race

Japanese Marathon Runner Shizo Kanakuri competed in the domestic qualifying trials for the 1912 Stockholm Olympics. Kanakuri set a marathon world record ...

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Scientists Can’t Explain the Mystery of the Chondrite

On December 6, 2020, astronomers awaited the return of Hayabusa2 (a toaster-sized capsule launch by the Japanese space agency). Onboard was a payload ...

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My Stutter is a Symphony Composed by God

In the film My Beautiful Stutter, viewers are introduced to Kate Detrick. Kate is a young lady who has learned to live, honestly if not defiantly, with ...

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Talk Radio Icon Died from Lung Cancer Despite Downplaying Danger

Author Judi Ketteler wrote an opinion column for NBC news that reflected on the complicated legacy of the late talk radio icon and conservative commentator ...

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A Farmer is Healed of Shame and Restored to Community

In his novel Remembering, Wendell Berry tells the story of a Kentucky farmer named Andy Catlett. One warm summer evening, Andy and a group of neighbors ...

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James Earl Jones' Long Pursuit of Contentment

As he wrapped up his work as the voice of Darth Vader in the 2014 Star Wars film Rogue One, James Earl Jones opened up about his struggles with a speech ...

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A Neuroscientist on the Limits of Man’s Knowledge and Understanding

Science has come very far in understanding how the human body works. But scientists admit understanding the human brain is still in its pioneering stage. ...

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The Rich and Famous Are Searching for Acceptance

Some of the most insightful secular writers of our time have pointed out that a lot of our drive in life, and a lot of our angst and dysfunction, goes ...

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The Limits of Freedom

Modern people like to see freedom as the complete absence of any constraints. But think of a fish. Because a fish absorbs oxygen from water, not air, ...

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