Sermon Illustrations about Humanity of Christ
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humanity of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.
Buddhist Poet Longs for God's Presence
The following Buddhist poem, in the form of a "waka," was written in the 12th century by Saigyo Hoshi after he visited a Shinto Grand Temple: ...
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Finding Christ's Presence in Cancer
On his 39th birthday, poet Christian Wiman was diagnosed with an incurable form of blood cancer. He wrote frankly about the agonizing effects of his illness ...
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Jesus Died Like a Garbage-Picker
This quote highlights how Jesus, in his suffering and death, stands in solidarity with any human being who suffers, especially the poor, the forgotten, ...
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Parents Get Tattoos of Daughter's Birthmark so She Won't Feel Different
18-month-old Honey-Rae Phillips was born with a strawberry rose-red birthmark on her right side, a mark that is growing right along with her. It's ...
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The Quiet but Deep Influence of Jesus' Life
In some ways, our biggest challenge in gauging Jesus' influence is that we take for granted the ways in which our world has been shaped by him. For ...
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Beyonce's List of Personal Demands
In the midst of her "Mrs. Carter Show" world tour, the singer Beyonce has made it very explicit what she expects from her hosts. The Daily Star ...
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Jesus' Shadow or Real Presence?
John Piper gave the following illustration to children and their parents, to explain what Christmas is:
Kids, suppose you and your mom get separated in ...
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The "Preposterous" Truth of God's Wounds
Christian minister John Dickson once spoke on the theme of the wounds of God on a university campus in Sydney, Australia. During the question time, a ...
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Jesus Moved into a Sordid Neighborhood
The Message Bible translates John 1:14 to read that "the Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood." Here's how Phillip ...
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Uruguayan President Eschews Luxurious Lifestyle
As of November 2012, Jose Mujica, the president of Uruguay, held a unique position—the BBC called him "the world's poorest president." ...
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