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Sermon Illustrations about Humiliation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humiliation to help bring your sermon to life.

A Historian Examines the Shame of the Cross

History Today magazine took a close look at the shame of Roman crucifixion. The author recognized its reputation: "It was death deserved by the most ...

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Imprisoned Chinese Christian Experiences God's Power

Chinese Christian leader Brother Zhong tells this story:

I was attending a training course for my house church network's council members and youth ...

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Internet Exhibitionists Hunger for Attention

The Internet provides opportunity for people to put themselves on display—and they do in a variety of ways. At one site alone, over four million people ...

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Saddam Hussein's Humiliation

Newsweek provided this description of the dethroned Saddam Hussein:

In a part of the world where pride and dignity mean everything, the images were clearly ...

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An Ant Caught in Traffic

For twenty-two years I drove the Chicago area expressways. On the Eisenhower Expressway you have six lanes going in and six lanes coming out. I often ...

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Celebrating the Visit of God

On that first Christmas morning, the world must have seemed a hard place to Mary. At the end of a weary journey there was "no room at the inn." ...

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An Underdeveloped Conscience

In Christian Parenting Today (Mar/Apr 98), Dan Schaeffer recalls:

As an 8-year-old, I thought it was comical. Our victim didn't know what was happening ...

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First You Must Be Nothing

God creates out of nothing. Therefore, until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him.

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