Sermon Illustrations about Humility
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humility to help bring your sermon to life.
Great People Do for Others
In the recent NCAA basketball Final Four playoffs here at Dallas, I was interested in the statement made by one of the coaches prior to the game. He was ...
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Humility Defined
To be humble is to be so sure of one's self and one's mission that one can forgo calling excessive attention to one's self and status. And ...
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Eulogies Ring False
Funerals of pastors are solemn affairs. At times when I attend one, however, I am struck by a strange kind of irony. After a lifetime of ministry supposedly ...
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Serving Vs. Being Served
I was ministering in Fourth Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. We had a Thursday morning father-son breakfast, six-thirty. It was to be over by quarter ...
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A Humble Self-Estimate
Take delight in being unknown and unregarded. A true understanding and humble estimate of oneself is the highest and most valuable of all lessons. To ...
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Service before Self
How can I illustrate what Paul is trying to say [in (Philippians 1:21-26)]? With the story of Dr. Paul Toaspern, a brilliant man, a theologian, who lived ...
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Blessed Humility
Whoever can weep over himself for one hour is greater than the one who is able to teach the whole world; whoever recognizes the depth of his own frailty ...
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