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Sermon Illustrations about Husbands & Wives

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Husbands & Wives to help bring your sermon to life.

Listening with a Closed Mouth

Listening intently with one's mouth shut is a basic communication skill needed in marriages.

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The Grace of a Loving Marriage

It is the highest grace of God when love continues to flourish in married life. The first love is ardent, is an intoxicating love, so that we are blinded ...

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Your Wife Is Also Your Neighbor

The Christian is supposed to love his neighbor, and since his wife is his nearest neighbor, she should be his deepest love.

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Mouthful of Bitterness

Ignorance is not bliss! Ignorance is like sneaking that first bite of Hershey's unsweetened chocolate while your mom's out hanging the clothes. ...

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Getting Historical

A guy complained to his buddy that whenever he argued with his wife, she got historical. His friend said, "You mean hysterical." He said, "No, ...

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Limited Forgiveness

I used to gather up [my husband] Fred's faults with the fervor of a child picking berries. I had a whole shelf of overflowing baskets before the concept ...

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Noticing the Goodness

Since Tom and I, by nature, tend to focus on the hole instead of the doughnut, we try hard to "realize life," to call each other's attention ...

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Overlooking Faults in Marriage

It is impossible to keep peace between man and woman in family life if they do not condone and overlook each other's faults but watch everything to ...

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Criterion for Family Health

One criterion of family health: Are you saying, "I'm sorry," "I forgive you," and "I love you" often?

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Battered Wives in the Church

While Christian marriages have been shown to have a lower incidence of abuse, the tragic truth is that wife battering occurs in Christian homes as well. ...

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