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Sermon Illustrations about Hypocrisy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hypocrisy to help bring your sermon to life.

Companies Use Trust Words to Hide Their Untrustworthiness

Certain words that many companies use in their annual reports—words like ethical, integrity and responsibility—are meant to convey trustworthiness. ...

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Wrongly Executed Black Soldiers Get Justice

More than a century ago, 110 Black soldiers were convicted of murder, mutiny, and other crimes at three military trials held at Fort Sam Houston in San ...

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Transportation Group Rescinds Endorsement After Parking Scandal

In September 2024, a Portland, Oregon advocacy group for safe and sustainable transportation rescinded its endorsement of mayoral candidate Carmen Rubio. ...

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Ransacking Results from Falsified Sign

Dozens of people crowded a warehouse in Northwest Portland, lured by a sign promising free items, including furniture. The sign, however, wasn't posted ...

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Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead

After a two-week battle with a sudden fast-spreading infection, Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems, passed away. ...

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Worker Sues Google for Discrimination

For years, Jalon Hall was touted as a bright spot for Google’s reputation for diversity. Hall is an African American deaf woman, and had been highlighted ...

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White House Flip-Flops on TikTok Ban

In early March, the Biden Administration began supporting a bill in Congress that would potentially result in a ban of the social media app TikTok. White ...

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Why People Believe Their Own Lies

In an interesting piece of science, Nautilus looks at what happens to our brains when we don’t tell the truth. It turns out that the more you lie, ...

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The 2023 Word of the Year is ‘Authentic’

Separating fact from fiction is getting harder. Manipulating images—and creating increasingly convincing deepfakes—is getting easier. As what’s ...

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Even Smart People Are Fooled by Fraud

Would you invest with someone who guarantees a 50% annual return with no risk of loss? Would you reply to an email offering you a share of a lost treasure ...

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