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Sermon Illustrations about Immortality

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Immortality to help bring your sermon to life.

We Are All Turning to Dust

In his book The Body: A Guide for Occupants, Bill Bryson takes readers on a head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human anatomy. Starting from the ...

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Former First Lady Says We Go ‘Somewhere’ When We Die

In an interview for the Howard Stern Show, former First Lady Hillary Clinton was asked about her faith.

“I have a deep faith,” she said before ...

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The First Cryonically Preserved Human’s Fifty-Year Journey to Immortality

James Bedford was a psychology professor at the University of California. Prior to his death from cancer, Bedford expressed his desire to be cryogenically ...

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'Star Trek': What is Death?

Star Trek: The Next Generation was a Paramount/CBS television program that ran from 1987 to 1994. The basic philosophy of the series was atheistic and ...

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Atheist Philosopher Extols the Resurrection

Atheist philosopher Luc Ferry, author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Thought, credits Christianity with creating the novel idea that all ...

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Resurrection in 'Jaws'

In Steven Spielberg’s famous movie, Jaws, the second victim the great white shark kills is a young boy named Alex Kintner, played by Jeffrey Voorhees. ...

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The Human Race Is in Need of an Upgrade

Max Tegmark, an MIT professor and co-founder of The Future of Life Institute, looks forward to what he calls Life 3.0. Here's how he outlines his ...

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Stephen King Thinks Heaven Will Be Boring

Rolling Stone magazine interviewed Stephen King, who has spent his career writing about death. When the interviewer asked, "Do you hope to go to ...

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A New Quest for Immortality

A new movement has emerged from California's Silicon Valley. It's a combination of philosophy, faith, and science known as transhumanism. An article ...

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Atheist-Illusionist Penn Jillette on Christians Who Don't Evangelize

Atheist Penn Jillette is one half of Penn and Teller, a duo that has been headlining Vegas shows for years with comedy and the art of illusion. Penn has ...

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