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Sermon Illustrations about Impatience

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Impatience to help bring your sermon to life.

Courtney Love Must Stand in Line

Rock star Courtney Love isn't used to waiting in line. She's used to the fame that came with her marriage to mega-star Curt Cobaine of the rock ...

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Blow Dryer Slows Speeding Cars

Dale Rooks, a school crossing guard in Florida, tried everything to get cars to slow down through the school zone. But nothing workedÂ…until he took a ...

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Drivers Spite Other Drivers

Have you ever felt that a driver was really slow in pulling out of a parking space for which you were waiting? It turns out your imagination may not be ...

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Impatient for Investment Returns

When our eldest daughter was old enough to understand what saving money was all about, my wife and I sat down with her and explained the value of money. ...

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No Shortcuts

Christian communicators ... face the temptation, as Jesus did, to test God and find a shortcut to success. If Jesus had jumped from the pinnacle of the ...

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The Lucky Plumber's Son

Executive consultant Richard Hagberg told this story:

The head of one large company recently told me about an incident that occurred as he and his wife ...

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The Greatest Teacher

Second only to suffering, waiting may be the greatest teacher and trainer in godliness, maturity, and genuine spirituality most of us ever encounter.

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Technology Breeds Impatience

A culture obsessed with technology will come to value personal convenience above almost all else, and ours does. Among the consequences is impatience ...

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Speed Kills--The Soul

A generation of Christians reared among push buttons and automatic machines is impatient of slower and less direct methods of reaching their goals. We ...

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Whose Consistency?

For the most part, the areas in which we expect others to be consistent are those areas in which we have no trouble with being consistent. If certain ...

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