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Sermon Illustrations about Incarnation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Incarnation to help bring your sermon to life.

The Purpose of the Incarnation

He undertook to help the descendants of Abraham, fashioning a body for himself from a woman and sharing our flesh and blood, to enable us to see in him ...

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His Glory Fills the Earth

In order that we finite beings may apprehend the Emperor He translates His glory into multiple forms--into stars, woods, waters, beasts, and the bodies ...

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The God-Man

Infinite, and an infant.

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Divine Littleness

The Christ child is the real model of this "littleness," this poverty, this nothingness. And yet He was All. God lacked nothing, but there was ...

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Hidden Treasure

When I was in high school, I worked for a time at an armored-car company, Brinks Armored Co. in San Bernardino, California. My job was to take care of ...

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