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Sermon Illustrations about Independence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Independence to help bring your sermon to life.

Psychiatrist Identifies the "Gauntlet of Silence" Among Men

In his book Invisible Men, Dr. Michael E. Addis tells the story about meeting a middle-aged man named Patrick. Although by all accounts Patrick was an ...

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Comedian Louis C. K. on Faith Without Works

Comedian Louis C.K. says the following about faith without works:

I have a lot of beliefs .… And I live by none of them. That's just the way ...

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Death by Loneliness

God said from the beginning: "It is not good for man to be alone." Data collected from 148 studies, involving more than 300,000 people, conducted ...

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Max Lucado on the Importance of Christian Community

Questions can make hermits out of us, driving us into hiding. Yet the cave has no answers. Christ distributes courage through community; he dissipates ...

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Church Disappears One Brick at a Time

Orthodox Church officials in Russia discovered in 2008 that one of their church buildings had disappeared. Poof—gone! The 200-year-old building ...

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"Seinfeld": Marriage Is a Man-Made Prison

In a Seinfeld episode entitled "The Engagement," Jerry and his friend, George Costanza (Jason Alexander), have decided it's time to "grow ...

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Banding Together in Spiritual Warfare

Awlwyn Balnave lives in Calgary, Canada, and shared the following story:

A few years ago, an old acquaintance of mine served as a police officer in a northern ...

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Stephen King on Religion

I'm not a vampire type, when somebody shows me the cross. …But organized religion gives me the creeps.

—Stephen King, U. S. fiction writer

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Power Strip Demonstrates Dependence upon God

Text: John 15:1–7

Purpose: To visualize the powerlessness of depending on ourselves rather than God.

Objects: An electric power strip with multiple ...

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Stallone: "The Church Is the Gym of the Soul"

2006 was a year of surprises for Sylvester Stallone. First, he surprised the entertainment world by resurrecting his iconic movie hero, Rocky Balboa, ...

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