Sermon Illustrations about Individualism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Individualism to help bring your sermon to life.
Largest Lego Model Took Vision and Teamwork
The newest addition to the grand list of Coolest Things Ever was first unveiled in New York City in 2013: the Lego X-Wing, the largest Lego model ever ...
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Building 20 at MIT Brought Together Diverse People
MIT used to have a famous office building simply called Building 20. This structure, located at the intersection of Main and Vassar Streets in East Cambridge, ...
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When the Supremes Socialize
In an article having to do with the socializing of Supreme Court justices Justice Scalia shared some of his wisdom: Ruth Bader Ginsburg fondly recalled ...
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Celebrity Claims Life Must Be 'I-directed'
After a cancer diagnosis and enduring 17-months of chemo and radiation, Robin Quivers, co-host for shock-jock radio show host Howard Stern, claims to ...
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Welcome to the Cuisine of Have-It-Your-Way
Customized dining has never been easier, according to a recent Washington Post article outlining the proliferation of tell-them-what-you-want food chains. ...
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Pot, Selfies, and Facebook—Welcome to the New Individualism
After analyzing a new Pew survey, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat claims that we're in a new and deeper "age of individualism." In ...
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The Price of Our Social Disconnection
Over the last 50 years, while society has been growing more and more prosperous and individualistic, our social connections have been dissolving. Emily ...
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Google Word Search Shows Rise of Individualism
A few years ago, Google released a database of over 5 million books published between 1500 and 2008. You can now type a search word into the database ...
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Actions of One Soldier Affect Everyone in the Platoon
For fifteen months journalist Sebastian Junger followed a single platoon of U.S. soldiers stationed in a dangerous part of Afghanistan. Living and working ...
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Author Wendell Berry on the Perils of Individualism
Novelist, essayist, and farmer Wendell Berry has a unique image for the perils of individualism. As he was walking with his friend Wes Jackson, they observed ...
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