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Sermon Illustrations about Infidelity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Infidelity to help bring your sermon to life.

The Deteriorating Standards of Sex on TV

In 1896, a film called The Kiss outraged moral guardians by showing a couple stealing a quick kiss. "Absolutely disgusting," said one critic. ...

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Sex Addiction Has Become a "National Epidemic"

"Sex addiction" remains a controversial designation—often dismissed as a myth or providing talk-show punchlines thanks to high-profile ...

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Businessman Changes a Woman's Life by Refusing Her Sexual Advances

Gary Thomas tells the following story about a friend of his who was on a business trip:

After the sessions an attractive young woman knocked on his hotel ...

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The Goodness of God's Jealousy

The Bible frequently describes God as a jealous lover. In his book titled Is God a Moral Monster?, Paul Copan asks the question, "When can jealousy ...

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Elizabeth Edwards Describes the Trauma of Spouse's Infidelity

John Edwards ran for his party's presidential nomination for the 2004 election and again for 2008. He did not win either nomination, but he was John ...

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Most Adults Still Have Feelings for Their "Ex"

Based on a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults:

  • Forty-eight percent of men still have feelings for an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife.
  • Thirty-seven percent of women still have feelings for an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband.

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Woman Regrets Ruinous Choices

In the 19th century, Marie d'Agoult left her children to follow after the most famous pianist of her day, Hungarian composer and virtuoso Franz Liszt. ...

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Woody Allen on Learning from Mistakes

In 1969, Woody Allen directed his first movie, Take the Money and Run. It was critically acclaimed, and throughout the next three decades Allen became ...

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Book Makes Adultery Polite

Judith E. Brandt has written a book called The 50-Mile Rule: Your Guide to Infidelity and Extramarital Etiquette. Here is an excerpt of an interview Brandt ...

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