Sermon Illustrations about Initiative
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Initiative to help bring your sermon to life.
Observing the World from Behind Closed Curtains
When Krish Kandiah was young, growing up in the United Kingdom, his family could always count on their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Oglive, to be around. ...
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The Man Who Invented Waterskiing
One hundred years ago (1922), a Minnesota man named Ralph Samuelson went to a local lumberyard. Most people would have said that Samuelson found two ordinary ...
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Dad Goes Viral After Impromptu National Anthem at Basketball Game
When the crowd inside the gymnasium stood to its feet to begin the game between the West Portsmouth High Senators and the visiting Tigers of Waverly High, ...
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Police Called on Clever Juvenile Entrepreneur
Solving a common entrepreneurial challenge, eleven-year-old Seth Parker found an easy way to generate interest in his fledgling enterprise, and all he ...
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12-Year-Old Fills Neighborhood Potholes Himself
According to his mother Trinell, once Monte Scott sees a need, he usually tries to fix it himself. Which is why he decided to shovel dirt from his backyard ...
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The Man Who Saved the World by Thinking Small
There are a handful of "hinge" moments in world history. June 6, 1944, or D-Day, was one of those moments. On that day hung the balance of power ...
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Eiffel's Tower Is a Monument to Teamwork
For the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, more than a hundred artists submitted plans to design the centerpiece, the masterpiece of the Exposition Universelle. ...
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Courage To Do 'Whatever It Takes'
Several years ago, an enormous financial crisis loomed in Europe. The very survival of the structure of the euro currency, if not the whole of Europe, ...
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The Painful Beauty of Creativity
The musician, poet, songwriter Leonard Cohen used the following image for the creative process of writing (for teachers, artists, preachers, etc.):
[The ...
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Why Blockbuster Failed and Netflix Succeeded
At the turn of the century, Blockbuster reigned supreme in the video rental industry. If your family craved a movie night, someone likely had to drive ...
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