Sermon Illustrations about Injustice
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Injustice to help bring your sermon to life.
Tim Keller's "Sequel" to the Good Samaritan
We're all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A despised Samaritan stops to help a man who has been beaten by robbers. One of the main ...
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Study Finds Poverty Saps Mental Capacity
For the rich or middle-class it might seem reasonable to ask, Why can't poor people just try harder and pull themselves out of the cycle of poverty? ...
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Attorney Explains How We Allow Human Trafficking
People sometimes ask, How could sex trafficking happen in America's small towns or big cities? Julie Waters, a family law attorney and director of ...
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Headlines for Sex Trafficking in the U.S.
Ernie Allen, the Director of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, says that human trafficking occurs when people "are owned by ...
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Author Describes Inhumane Treatment of Aborigines
The nature writer Bill Bryson describes the treatment of the native Aborigines during the early days of Australia:
For most Europeans the Aborigines … ...
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The Real 'Santa Claus' Rescues Three Innocents
History seems to confirm at least a few key details from the life of Nicholas of Myra, the real early church leader we know today as Santa Claus. One ...
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Young Girl Freed from Slavery Returns to Her Pimp
In their Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn report on [the] worldwide slavery [in sex trafficking], ...
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German Christians Sang Hymns While Jews Were Hauled Away
In his book When a Nation Forgets God, Erwin Lutzer retells one Christian's story of living in Hitler's Germany. The man wrote:
I lived in Germany ...
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Experiment Shows Our Reluctance to Get Involved in Uncomfortable Situations
The Nobel Prize winning psychologist and economist Daniel Kahneman recounts the story behind a famous experiment conducted at New York University:
Participants ...
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Research Shows Our Favoritism Towards Attractive People
Although we like to believe that beauty runs only skin deep, research shows that it pays to be good-looking. A survey by Newsweek concluded, "In ...
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