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Sermon Illustrations about Intolerance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Intolerance to help bring your sermon to life.

Journalist Discovers a Pervasive "New Intolerance"

Editor's Note: This article excerpt was published in The New Statesman, a British magazine described as "left of center." Cristina Odone ...

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Pastor Challenges the Church to Be Colorblind

[James] Meeks [pastor of Salem Baptist Church in Chicago] hopes to persuade African American and white evangelicals to work together. And he's willing ...

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Intolerance Can Be a Virtue

I was dismayed recently when I read what one senator said. This particular senator announced himself as a Republican candidate for the presidency. While ...

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Where Does Intolerance Begin?

Our society wrestles with many passionate social movements, including pleas for tolerance. But the capacity to know the difference between tolerance and ...

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Racism Still Alive

I recently went to the Smoky Mountains with some friends to do some rock climbing. We came to a small town near Knoxville, Tennessee, and pulled into ...

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Don't Misplace Tolerance

Tolerance applies only to persons, but never to truth. Intolerance applies only to truth, but never to persons. Tolerance applies to the erring; intolerance ...

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Intolerant Tolerance

Liberals are always for the inclusion of every possible point of view except those points of view that do not include every possible point of view.

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Overcoming Intolerance

Never let us think evil of men who do not see as we do. From the bottom of our hearts let us pity them, and let us take them by the hand and spend time ...

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Forgiveness for Whom?

No one is perfect. We readily admit that. However, we often seek to regain an expectation of perfection (through the back door) by extolling the false ...

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Are Liberals Really Tolerant?

A woman writing the television station where my commentaries are broadcast began her letter, "Gentlemen and Other Scum." She then proceeded ...

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