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Sermon Illustrations about Involvement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Involvement to help bring your sermon to life.

The Early Church Grew by Caring for the Sick

Sociologist Rodney Stark has written a brilliant book, The Rise of Christianity, in which he describes how Christianity arose from a small group … ...

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Ancient Christian Wisdom on Staying Committed to Community

When you experience conflict or pain in a church setting, don't run away to another church. It's often better to stay put and work through it. ...

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Policies Prevent Firefighters from Saving Drowning Man

In June, 2011, the city of Alemeda, California, immediately changed its policies after first responders stood by and watched a man drown in San Francisco ...

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The Parade Nobody Gets to Watch

In his book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Donald Miller describes a New Year's Day parade held in San Diego. But this was no ordinary parade. ...

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Luis Palau Receives a Scripture to Stand on

Luis Palau, the Argentine-born international evangelist, describes how God expanded his ministry:

I was organizing campaigns for other evangelists, but ...

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A Dying Girl Shows Honor of Serving God

Pediatrician David Cerqueira shares a story of how a dying girl showed his church the honor of serving God:

One Sunday my wife had prepared a lesson on ...

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Eugene Peterson on Importance of Church

Love cannot exist in isolation: away from others, love bloats into pride. Grace cannot be received privately: cut off from others, it is perverted into ...

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Defining Your Calling

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

—Frederick Buechner, U.S. writer and preacher ...

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Taking Membership to a New Level

Forget your Members Only jacket. At Vintage21, a church in Raleigh, North Carolina, it's Owners Only. The church is eliminating the concept of membership ...

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God's People Were Made to Be Used

We have a sterling silver tea set at home that a family member gave us as a reminder of her love for us. It's quite old and beautifully made, and ...

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