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Sermon Illustrations about Judging others

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Judging others to help bring your sermon to life.

Moral Indifference

The current popular notion that judging others is in itself a sin leads to such inappropriate maxims as 'I'm okay and you're okay.' It ...

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Correction vs. Criticism

Expecting the precise scalpel of correction, we can get the blunt ax of criticism.

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Welcome Criticism

Get a friend to tell you your faults, or better still, welcome an enemy who will watch you keenly and sting you savagely. What a blessing such an irritating ...

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Crib Death

Many babes in Christ die in infancy because of their inability to live up to the impossible standards which are thrown upon them by more mature (?) believers, ...

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I Am Not My Brother's Judge

The secret of our relationships with one another in the Christian Church, especially when we have our differences, is "Jesus Christ is Lord." ...

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Are Liberals Really Tolerant?

A woman writing the television station where my commentaries are broadcast began her letter, "Gentlemen and Other Scum." She then proceeded ...

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Not "They" But "We"

I talked with Keith (Green) about a month before he died, and he told me, "You know, Steve, I finally realized that it's not 'they' that ...

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