Sermon Illustrations about Judgment Day
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Judgment Day to help bring your sermon to life.
What is Hidden will be Revealed
Document MS 165, also known as the ‘Shark Papers,’ is a unique manuscript found at the National Library of Jamaica. It tells the enthralling ...
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The Codebreaker Who Busted Bitcoin’s Anonymity
Bitcoin is a digital currency that promises complete anonymity for user’s transactions on the web. Among the users of Bitcoin are speculators who ...
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Buried Cables Leach Toxins
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, telecom companies have left behind a sprawling network of cables covered in toxic lead that stretches ...
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CEO Highlights ‘Inventory Shrinkage’ from Theft
An article in the Wall Street Journal makes the following claim: “America’s turn toward lawlessness is nowhere more evident than at retail ...
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Man Issued Million Dollar Speeding Ticket
A man from Georgia found himself in shock after being handed a speeding ticket totaling a staggering $1.4 million. Connor Cato was pulled over in September ...
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The Know-It-All Invisible Bank Robber
One day in 1995, a middle-aged man robbed two Pittsburgh banks in broad daylight. He didn’t wear a mask or any sort of disguise. And he smiled at ...
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The Privacy Loophole in Your Doorbell
The week of Thanksgiving, Michael Larkin, in Hamilton, Ohio, answered a phone call. It was the local police, and they wanted footage from Larkin’s ...
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This Incredible Sound Circled the Earth Four Times
On August 27, 1883, the Earth let out a noise louder than any it has made since. It was 10:02 a.m. when the sound emerged from the island of Krakatoa, ...
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Man Robs Shop Disguised by Cardboard Box
Claude Vincent Griffin, 33, was arrested in early June after being identified in security footage of a burglary at a phone repair shop. Griffin was seen ...
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Fear of Being Buried Alive
Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...
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