Sermon Illustrations about Judgment, Of God
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Judgment, Of God to help bring your sermon to life.
What is Hidden will be Revealed
Document MS 165, also known as the ‘Shark Papers,’ is a unique manuscript found at the National Library of Jamaica. It tells the enthralling ...
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America's Slow-Motion Suicide
There is a brilliant short interview on Patheos with Os Guinness based on his book, A Free People's Suicide. Guinness argues that America may be on ...
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Climate Change Is Leading to Bigger Hailstones
It was the height of summer in the UK and then the sky darkened. On the evening of July 21, 2021, hailstones the size of golf balls fell from the sky, ...
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Fear of Being Buried Alive
Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...
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Will the Gates of Hell Be Closed Forever?
Drive three and a half hours north of Turkmenistan’s capital, into the flat, seemingly empty desert. In the middle of nowhere, you’ll see ...
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Police Arrest Man for Bridge Theft
Akron police officers, acting on a tip, responded to a location and made an arrest related to a previous theft that took place in a public park. By itself, ...
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Waiting for the Final Proof that Righteousness Pays
Author/speaker Christopher Ash asks, “What are we to make of the Bible’s passages that seem to speak quite straightforwardly of blessings ...
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Defining 'Success' and 'Failure'
Pastor Rico Tice writes, “I’ll never forget the funeral at which an old lady said to me, ‘Rico, do you know what failure is?’ ...
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Forgiveness Always Comes at A Cost
Pastor and author J.D. Greear writes:
I remember a Muslim asking me when I lived in Southeast Asia, why would God need somebody to die in order to forgive ...
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Former Bank Robber Sworn in as a Lawyer
Twenty years ago, 19-year-old Robert W. VanSumeren stood nervously in a Michigan courtroom as Judge Michael Smith sentenced him to six years in prison ...
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