Sermon Illustrations about Knowledge of God
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Knowledge of God to help bring your sermon to life.
Mount Rushmore Points to Its Designer/Creator
You and your friend are hiking in the Black Hills of South Dakota. As you round a hill, you come upon a sight that stops you in your tracks. In front ...
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Science Writer Explains the Limits of Science
In his book God's Undertaker, science writer John C. Lennox explains the scope and limits of science with the following story:
Let us imagine that ...
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Genius Knew Where to Tinker
Charlie Steinmetz had one of the greatest minds in the field of electricity that the world has ever known. In his day no one knew more than he. Steinmetz ...
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God Beyond Our Understanding
Since it is God we are speaking of, you do not understand it. If you could understand it, it would not be God.
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The Highest Human Goal
The goal, the highest good, of the human creature is that the knowledge of God and prayer to God converge.
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Knowledge Comes from Obedience
Never try to explain God until you have obeyed Him. The only bit of God we understand is the bit we have obeyed.
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Figuring Out Providence
I get a little weary of these dear souls who have all the dealing and doing of Providence catalogued and correlated and figured out and can give you glib ...
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Remembering What God Feels Like
In Executive Edge newsletter, management-consultant Ken Blanchard retells the story of a little girl named Schia (which first appeared in a book titled ...
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"Real" Truth
There is today an evangelical rationalism which says that the truth is in the Word and if you want to know truth, go learn the Word. If you get the Word, ...
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