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Sermon Illustrations about Knowledge

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Knowledge to help bring your sermon to life.

A.I. in the Garden of Eden

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, best-selling author and Ronald Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan thinks back to how promising and exciting the advent ...

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How Children Survived 40 Days in Jungle

In the dead of night at the heart of the Colombian jungle, army radios crackled to life with the message the nation had been praying for: "Miracle, ...

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Experts Concerned About Chatbots Making Stuff Up

Gerrit De Vynck wrote a story in The Washington Post about how artificial intelligences respond to the errors they make.

Citing a recent MIT research paper, ...

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Artificial Intelligence May Result in a New Religion

In an article written by Neil McArthur at the University of Manitoba, he said:

We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. In the next ...

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Put Not Your Trust in ChatGPT

In a recent Q&A with CT magazine, veteran AI engineer Tom Kehler, talked about the limits of the popular ChatGPT, and the wonders of the human brain. ...

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Atheist Physicist Cringes When Scientists Deny a Creator

Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder is a research fellow at the Franklin Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany. Her YouTube channel has over 550,000 subscribers. ...

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Humbled Crypto Boss Bragged About Not Reading Books

To an outsider, the name Sam Bankman-Fried might seem like a pseudonym, too on-the-nose to be real. The 30-year-old entrepreneur and philanthropist, known ...

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Why God Won’t Answer Right Away

In nature, red skin signals that a tomato is ripe. But this is not necessarily true of tomatoes that have been forced to turn red. It is entirely possible, ...

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Fresh Perspective on ‘Increase in Knowledge’

The often-referenced passage in Daniel 12:4 about an "increase in knowledge" during the last days has taken on new meaning in our high-tech ...

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What Are People Looking For?

Google has published its most searched-for terms of 2021:

For the UK, the five most frequently asked “When” questions were:

1. When will lockdown ...

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