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Sermon Illustrations about Labor Day

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Labor Day to help bring your sermon to life.

Every Instrument Is Necessary

A conductor was rehearsing his great orchestra. The organ was rolling, giving beautiful melody. The drums were thundering. The trumpets were blaring out. ...

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Frustrated by the Law

Have you ever noticed that when you go to work for a company, during the orientation and training period they never tell you everything? There's always ...

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Janitorial Ministry

The world is to be cleaned by somebody, and you are not called of God if you are ashamed to scrub.

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Created to Stretch

God created man something on the order of a rubber band. A rubber band is made to stretch. When it is not being stretched, it is small and relaxed, but ...

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Study Overdose

You know you're spending too much time in the study

  • When thou speaketh to thy children and helpmate thusly.
  • When you start seeing the evening paper laid out in chapters and verses.

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Look for the One with the Burden

Find the person in your church who has a real burden for a specific task, and then let him do it.

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The Pressure of Time

Have you felt the pressure of time this week? Time can be a massive pressure as we're talking about here, but I enjoyed the story this week of Porris ...

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Fulfillment Lies in Walk, Not Work

God didn't call me to find fulfillment in the quantity of my work for him but in the quality of my walk with him.

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Duty and Love

Duty makes us do things well; but love makes us do them beautifully.

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Plowing and Sowing

If God did not bless, not one hair, not a solitary wisp of straw, would grow; but there would be an end of everything. At the same time God wants me to ...

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