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Sermon Illustrations about Labor Day

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Labor Day to help bring your sermon to life.

George Lucas First Hired Harrison Ford as a Carpenter

Star Wars creator George Lucas hired Harrison Ford, then a carpenter, to build a door in the casting offices. But the director wasn’t just impressed ...

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Garbage Men Cry When Residents Surprise Them With ‘Thank You’

Saul and Keon have never missed a day of work picking up trash in Miami Beach. They’re especially glad they were covering their route this week ...

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Tech CEO Trades Millions to Help Employees Live Fuller Lives

It seemed like Dan Price had it all. He was the CEO of a successful business with a million-dollar salary and a gorgeous home overlooking Puget Sound ...

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When the Alarm Clock Was a Person

There once was a time people were awakened, not by a cell phone or even an alarm clock, but by a “knocker-upper.” For many workers in early ...

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Princeton Artist Unveils Exhibit Honoring Campus Laborers

At Princeton University, an artist has taken it upon himself to honor a group of unsung heroes with an honor usually reserved for top-level donors, former ...

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Plimsoll, the Seaman’s Friend, Campaigned Against ‘Coffin Ships’

In the mid-1800s working as a seaman in Great Britain was a dangerous job. Shady ship owners tried to maximize profits by overloading their ships. These ...

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How Best Buy Rescued Itself from a Slow Death

The year was 2012, and everything seemed to be going wrong for Best Buy. The CEO had just resigned after admitting to an improper relationship with a ...

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The Best Bosses Are Humble Bosses

An article in The Wall Street Journal notes that many corporate employers are realizing they’ve missed one of the most important traits of leadership: ...

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Unique Thank You Note Cheers Elderly Teacher

A quarter-century ago, a middle-aged pastor and writer named William Stidger was reflecting on his gratitude for a teacher he had in his youth who’d ...

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How a Chicago Church Empowers People through Work

Here's one positive story about how a church got creative to minister to the needs of its community. After purchasing an abandoned, run-down pool ...

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