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Sermon Illustrations about Labor Day

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Labor Day to help bring your sermon to life.

The Mystery of Motivation

The mysterious internal combustion called motivation is sustained when you know you are important to a worthy cause.

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A Higher Calling

My long hours working as a childcare provider often tempted me to complain about my job. Although I didn't know what work God wanted me to do, I was ...

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Service Is not a Favor

I work hard to avoid the notion that people are doing the pastor a favor by serving.

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What Does "No" Mean?

One of the most common frustrations encountered by the person seeking to enlist volunteers is to receive what appears to be a categorical "No!" ...

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Pray and Post Guard

After their long and weary exile in Babylon the people of Israel were set free to return to their own land. Spurred on by Nehemiah, they began to rebuild ...

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Written in Snow

Here is a good searching question for a man to ask himself as he reviews his past life: Have I written in the snow? Will my life-work endure the lapse ...

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One Day at a Time

All God really wants of me in a given day is my best effort. I'll tackle the rest tomorrow.

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