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Sermon Illustrations about Last Days

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Last Days to help bring your sermon to life.

People Don’t Trust Government to Prevent Doomsday

U.S. politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders. ...

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Gen Z Welcomes Government Monitoring in Homes

George Orwell’s book 1984 is one of our society’s most frequently referenced illustrations of what life would be like under an authoritarian ...

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CEO Highlights ‘Inventory Shrinkage’ from Theft

An article in the Wall Street Journal makes the following claim: “America’s turn toward lawlessness is nowhere more evident than at retail ...

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Half of Chicagoans See Gun Violence Before Age 40

Gun violence is an ongoing problem in the city of Chicago. Now, a new study finds 56% of the city’s Black and Hispanic population, and 25% of Whites, ...

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People Trust Ghosts More Than Government

Just how bad are the polls for those in political office right now? It turns out more people are putting their faith in the dead than in living politicians. ...

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Forty Percent Say We're in The End Times

Nearly four-in-ten Americans say we're “living in the end times,” says a poll taken against a stark backdrop of climate change, the pandemic, ...

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The Privacy Loophole in Your Doorbell

The week of Thanksgiving, Michael Larkin, in Hamilton, Ohio, answered a phone call. It was the local police, and they wanted footage from Larkin’s ...

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This Incredible Sound Circled the Earth Four Times

On August 27, 1883, the Earth let out a noise louder than any it has made since. It was 10:02 a.m. when the sound emerged from the island of Krakatoa, ...

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25 Percent of High School Students are Gay, Bisexual, or Questioning

The CDC’s yearly youth report found that around a quarter of high school students identify as gay, bisexual, or have a more fluid sexuality. This ...

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Volcanic Explosion Shows We’re Not in Control

On August 27, 1883, a blast in Indonesia sent sound waves that ripped across the face of the earth. A volcanic explosion, 10,000 times more powerful than ...

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