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Sermon Illustrations about Laughter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Laughter to help bring your sermon to life.

Knowing God's Acceptance

In his book, Connecting, Larry Crabb writes:

A friend of mine was raised in an angry family. Mealtimes were either silent or sarcastically noisy. Down ...

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Laughter Is Good Medicine

The old axiom, "Laughter is the best medicine," holds true when it comes to protecting your heart, according to a study conducted by the University ...

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Laughter by Gender

The average number of times a man laughs each day: 69. A woman: 55.

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A Psalm for Easter

Let's celebrate Easter with the rite of laughter.

Christ died and rose and lives.

Laugh like woman who holds her first baby.

Our enemy death will soon ...

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Holy Humor

I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the Creator to suppose that He has a sense of humor.

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