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Sermon Illustrations about Law & Grace

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Law & Grace to help bring your sermon to life.

Breaking Free of the Overparenting Trap

Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the best-selling book How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap, has a popular TED talk video on what ...

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The Two-Year-Old Litterbug in Washington D.C.

Two-year-old Harper Westover lives in Washington, D.C.—her parents "insist she's just the tidiest, most polite, and well-behaved toddler ...

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Getting Rid of the 'Kicker' In the Good News

Steve Brown writes:

I once asked a Jewish friend to forgive the church and me for [how the church has sometimes hurt] Jews in the name of Christ. I waited ...

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Actor Ben Affleck Reflects on Our Brokenness

In an interview in The New York Times, award-winning actor Ben Affleck reflected on the pressure to hide our broken areas. When he watches other movies ...

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The Law Can't Set Us Free to Play

Imagine you are twelve years old again, and you love baseball. All your heroes are baseball players, all your extracurricular time is spent either with ...

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Married to 'Mr. Law' or 'Mr. Grace'?

We were married to Mr. Law. He was a good man, in his way, but he did not understand our weakness. He came home every evening and asked, "So, how ...

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Experiment Shows How the Law Leads to Sin

Robert Cialdini, a researcher and an expert on the theory of persuasion, conducted an experiment at the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. The ...

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Gadgets Nag Us to Change Behavior

No matter how hard we try we just can't seem to shed our need to live by law rather than grace. An article in The Wall Street Journal explored the ...

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When Our Spiritual Life Resembles a Treadmill

Treadmills are fun if you want to get a little exercise. Unfortunately, for many people, religion feels like running on a treadmill: they're working ...

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Dad Forgives Daughter for Taking Coins

In a blog for Kyria entitled “The Sweet Relief of Grace,” Marian V. Liautaud writes:

My dad kept a coin jar on his dresser. Every night when ...

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