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Sermon Illustrations about Lawlessness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lawlessness to help bring your sermon to life.

Breaking Bad Shows the Judgment of Sin

The hit TV show Breaking Bad follows the story of Walter White, a mild-mannered chemistry teacher who, after receiving a terminal diagnosis, turns to ...

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Google Word Search Shows Rise of Individualism

A few years ago, Google released a database of over 5 million books published between 1500 and 2008. You can now type a search word into the database ...

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Research Shows That Cheaters Get a "Cheater's High"

Do you ever wonder why people cheat—or feel tempted to cheat—on expense reports, taxes, exams, and other endeavors? According to a series ...

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Carelessness Causes Deaths at the Grand Canyon

In his book Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon, Michael P. Ghiglieri chronicles the nearly 700 deaths that have occurred in the Grand Canyon since ...

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Violating God's Law Is Like Putting Our Hand in Fire

Dorothy Sayers, the mystery writer, was also a devoted Christian. Dorothy Sayers was attempting to explain the moral law of God. She pointed out that ...

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Bare-headed Rider Dies Protesting Helmet Law

Over the 2011, 4th-of-July weekend, a group of motorcyclists gathered in Onondaga, New York, to ride in protest against the New York state law that requires ...

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President Lincoln Tells Former Slaves How to Live Free

In the last days of the Civil War, the Confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia, fell to the Union army. Abraham Lincoln insisted on visiting the city. ...

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Professor Demonstrates That Moral Relativism Is Unlivable

In his booklet Absolute Truth, Mark Ashton tells the following story about a professor who demonstrates that moral relativism is unlivable:

Roger Wengert, ...

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French Investor Caught for $7 Billion Fraud

Have you ever gotten yourself in big trouble—really, really big trouble? So big you can't even conceive of how much trouble you're in? That's ...

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Research Discovers 237 Reasons for Sex

When researchers at the University of Texas at Austin asked 2,000 people why they have sex, there were plenty of answers—237, to be precise. The ...

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