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Sermon Illustrations about Legacy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Legacy to help bring your sermon to life.

The World's Oldest Man Replaced Bitterness with Sweetness

On August 11, 2017, the world's oldest man passed away, just a month short of his 114th birthday—making him one of the 10 longest lived men ...

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How Long Do Footprints Last on the Moon?

The first footprints put on the moon will probably be there a long, long time—maybe almost as long as the moon itself lasts. Unlike on Earth, there ...

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The Sad Legacy of TV’s 'Friends'

In a blog post, author Jonathan Van Maren writes:

It wasn’t until I was doing the research for my book The Culture War that I began to come across ...

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Grandpa Leaves a Free Bucket of Baseballs with Touching Note

When 72-year-old Randy Long was cleaning out his garage he came across some practice baseballs he used to toss around with his son and grandson. Thinking ...

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Why Jackie Robinson’s Hall of Fame Plaque Had to Change

A legacy sometimes ends up obscuring achievements. Jackie Robinson may have been fearful of this happening to his legacy when he was inducted into the ...

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The Seedbed of Elon Musk's Imagination

Joshua Haldeman grew up on the prairies of Saskatchewan. When the domino effect of the Great Depression hit Canada, Haldeman lost his five-thousand-acre ...

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Billionaire's Life Goal: Dying Broke

A recent article in Forbes reported the conclusion of Chuck Feeney’s journey to give away a fortune. The article was titled "The Billionaire ...

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To Save the Sound of a Stradivarius, a Whole City Kept Quiet

Florencia Rastelli was mortified. As she wiped the counter at the cafe where she works, she knocked over a glass and it shattered loudly on the floor. ...

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2,000 Obituaries Reveal the Most Common Word

National Public Radio aired a segment on dying well and what the living can learn from the lives of the deceased. The segment featured a marketing expert ...

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Self-Proclaimed ‘Old Coots’ Offer Life Advice at Farmers Market

The group of retired friends who meet every Saturday morning at a Salt Lake City deli were growing tired of the same conversation each week. Sure, they ...

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