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Sermon Illustrations about Legalism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Legalism to help bring your sermon to life.

"Real" Truth

There is today an evangelical rationalism which says that the truth is in the Word and if you want to know truth, go learn the Word. If you get the Word, ...

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Jonah's Failure

Jonah's sulking disappointment came from a failure of imagination, a failure of heart. He had no idea what God was doing--the largeness of his love ...

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Perfectionism Gone Awry

If practiced to perfection, any virtue can become a vice. Prudence creates niggardliness; honesty, cruelty; self-respect, vainglory; knowledge, condescension; ...

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Legalistic Strait Jacket

Nothing can choke the heart and soul out of walking with God like legalism. Rigidity is the most certain sign that the Disciplines have spoiled. The disciplined ...

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Borderline Christianity

There's something comfortable about reducing Christianity to a list of do's and don'ts, whether your list comes from mindless fundamentalism ...

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Crib Death

Many babes in Christ die in infancy because of their inability to live up to the impossible standards which are thrown upon them by more mature (?) believers, ...

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Not "They" But "We"

I talked with Keith (Green) about a month before he died, and he told me, "You know, Steve, I finally realized that it's not 'they' that ...

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Straightened by Grace

Law tells me how crooked I am; grace comes along and straightens me out.

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