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Sermon Illustrations about Life, short

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Life, short to help bring your sermon to life.

The Time of Our Lives

Time is life--nothing more, nothing less. The way you spend your hours and your days is the way you spend your life.

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No Infinity in This Life

At 65 one is not merely 20 years older than one was at 45. One has exchanged an infinite future--and one had a tendency to look upon it as infinite--for ...

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Thanksgiving for Strife

Thanks be to God for a life full-packed with things that matter crying to be done--a life, thank God, of never-ending strife against the odds. ... Just ...

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So Little Time

We are always complaining that our days are few and acting as though there would be no end of them.

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This Land Is God's Land

The late Bishop Edwin Hughes once delivered a rousing sermon on "God's Ownership" that put a rich parishioner's nose out-of-joint. The ...

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