Sermon Illustrations about Lifestyle
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lifestyle to help bring your sermon to life.
People Spending Money on Luxuries for Pets
Pets these days are living more luxurious lives than ever as humans increasingly pour money into making their properties fetching for nonhuman family ...
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Alarming Number of Bisexual Students Consider Suicide
The most recent CDC biannual Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey found that children who identify as part of the LGB community are significantly more ...
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Family Dinners Are Key to Children’s Health
For busy families, gathering together for dinner can feel like an impossibility. Children could use it now more than ever. Robin Black-Burns’s teenage ...
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Typical Family Spends Only 6 Hours a Week Together
The typical family spends just six hours together a week, thanks in part to long working hours and time spent diving down the digital device rabbit hole. ...
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The Starbucks Where Everyone's a Secret Agent
The Starbucks at the CIA headquarters is not allowed to take names for orders. It’s not “business as usual” for the Starbucks franchise ...
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Eating Dinner as a Family Reduces Stress
Everyone knows your family can be a pain in the neck sometimes, but regular family dinners can be the key to reduced stress levels in the household. This ...
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When Evangelicals Embrace Same-Sex Relationships
Seventeen percent of evangelical women between the ages of 15 and 44 have had sex with another woman, according to data gathered by the CDC and analyzed ...
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Happy 50th Birthday, Cell Phones
It might be hard to imagine a world without cell phones, but there was most definitely a time when they remained the stuff of science fiction. That is, ...
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Advertisers Compete for our Attention
Advertising is big business today. There are over 350,995 billboard signs throughout the US (more than any other country.) Google holds about 28% of the ...
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Inventor of Cellphone Says ‘Get a Life’
The inventor of the world’s first cellphone says he’s stunned by how much time people now waste on their devices. 92-year-old Martin Cooper ...
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