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Sermon Illustrations about Light of the world

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Light of the world to help bring your sermon to life.

Pastor Starts Movement to Literally Feed the Flock

When Rev. Heber Brown III started noticing a particular need trending in his church, he did what pastors do – he found a way to spearhead a solution. ...

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The Early Church Succeeded Where We Are Failing

In their book, The Way Back, Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock ask significant questions:

Why did the Early Church succeed where we are failing? How did they ...

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A Shining Light

I am the light of the world, the founder of the Christian religion said. What a stupendous phrase! And how particularly marvelous today, when one is conscious ...

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The Problem with American Christians

The main problem with American Christians is not that they aren't where they should be but that they are not what they should be right where they ...

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Pastor's Prayer

Lord, as a pastor sometimes I feel like I'm in sales and promotion. Help me remember that the idea, at the heart of it all, is not to "get" ...

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Heroes or Saints?

The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. The saint is the man ...

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Concrete Church

It is of no avail to talk of the church in general, the church in the abstract, unless the concrete particular local church which the people attend can ...

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Where Is the Church?

You know what your own country is like. I'm a visitor, and I wouldn't presume to speak about America. But I know what Great Britain is like. I ...

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Making an Antidote

There's great opportunity for believers to be creators of antidotes for the cultural virus that infects us. Biblical values work!

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Christians Should Be Different

I've recently come back from India where I heard of a little Hindu girl brought up in a strict Hindu family, who had come across Christians. Somebody ...

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