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Sermon Illustrations about Light

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Light to help bring your sermon to life.

Christians are the Light of the World

In his recent documentary titled Light On Earth, David Attenborough tells of an unbelievable experience of the S.S. Lima. On January 25, 1995, as this ...

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Christ in You Makes You Like a Superhero

To explain how Christ in us now labors to make us more human, not less, pastor/author Rankin Wilbourne used the following illustration:

Consider two superheroes, ...

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We Are Made to Reflect God's Glory

Paul likens us to shining stars, and the word shine means to reflect. The scientific term is albedo. It's a measurement of how much sunlight a celestial ...

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Film Producer on the Universe's Indifference

Here's how the late film director Stanley Kubrick (1928-199) explained his view of life: "The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create ...

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Does the Church Suffer from Agoraphobia?

When I was young, growing up in the United Kingdom, my family and I could always count on our next-door neighbor, Mrs. Oglive, to be around. We left a ...

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Cellist Plays During Shelling and Snipers

Steven Galloway's 2008 novel, The Cellist of Sarajevo, tells the following fictional story about the real cellist Vedren Smajlovic. In the novel, ...

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Ex-Christian Praises the Church's Social Efforts

John Marks, a producer for television's 60 Minutes, went on a two-year quest to investigate evangelicals, the group he had grown up among and later ...

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Son Asks His Father's Help to Avoid the Darkness

One weekend, author Paul Tripp gave his teenage son permission to spend the weekend at a friend's house. But during the weekend Paul received a call ...

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Secular Reporter Praises the Work of Evangelicals

In 2011 New York Times editorialist Nicholas Kristof wrote a column praising the work of many evangelical Christians. Kristof begins by noting that at ...

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John McCain Experiences the True Light of Christmas

During the 2008 presidential race, John McCain was asked by Time magazine to share his "personal journey of faith." In his article McCain shared ...

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