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Sermon Illustrations about Limitations

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Limitations to help bring your sermon to life.

The Weird Strategy Dr. Seuss Used to Create His Greatest Work

In 1960, two men made a bet. There was only $50 on the line, but millions of people would feel the impact of this little wager. The first man was Bennett ...

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Real Power Comes from Admitting our Limitations

Larry Parsley convincingly writes on the need to recognize our limitations:

Henry Worsley, a former British army commando and then Arctic explorer, was ...

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Aldi Succeeds by Limiting Choice

About 70 years ago, brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht, fresh from military service in World War II, took over their family's store in Germany, a mining ...

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Honor the Limits that God Gave

If you see a large sailboat out on the water moving swiftly, it is because the sailor is honoring the boat's design. If she tries to take it into ...

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Limitations Are Life's Building Blocks

The architect Frank Gehry, well-known for designing the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, believes that constraints are the building blocks of great ...

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Pilots' Pride Led to Tragic Plane Crash

In his book, Flight 232: A Story of Disaster and Survival, Laurence Gonzales tells the story of United Airlines Flight 232 that crashed in Iowa on July ...

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College Student Solves Two 'Impossible' Math Problems

In 1939, George Dantzig enrolled as a graduate student studying statistics under Polish-born professor Jerzy Neyman. At the beginning of one class session, ...

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John Ortberg Learns about His Limits

John Ortberg writes:

We were with friends at an open-air street fair when we spotted a mechanical bull that tries to buck people off. They guy operating ...

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Too Many Vitamins Can Harm Your Body

Your mom made you take your vitamins. Without vitamins, your body would develop skeletal defects, eye impairments, dermatitis, anemia—in essence, ...

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Christian Apologist Found His Calling through Limitations

The Chronicle of Higher Education featured an article about William Lane Craig, the man they called "Christian philosophy's boldest apostle." ...

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