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Sermon Illustrations about Lordship of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lordship of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

Driver Follows the Wrong Speed

Retired minister and author Bob Russell told the following account to illustrate how Christians today often go along with the moral pace of those around ...

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Denzel Washington to Grads: 'Put God First'

In a 2015 commencement speech at Dillard University, Denzell Washington urged graduates to put God first and thank him constantly:

Put God first in everything ...

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The Right Question for Following Christ

I've heard people say, "I'm checking out Christianity, but I also understand Christians can't do this and the Bible says you're supposed ...

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President Andrew Jackson Learns to Forgive His Enemies

On July 8, 1838, the seventh president of the United States, General Andrew Jackson, informed his minister, the Reverend Dr. John Edgar, that he wanted ...

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Umpire Says He Calls the Plays

Bill Klem was the father of baseball umpires: colorful, judicious, and dignified. He was beyond passionate about America's favorite pastime, declaring, ...

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The Lie Behind 'The Crying Indian'

On Earth Day, 1971, Keep America Beautiful launched what was called one of the "50 greatest commercials of all time." Dubbed "The Crying ...

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People Who Buy Athletic Apparel but Don't Exercise

An article in The Wall Street Journal asks, "Why work out when you can just buy the clothes and look like you did?" The article explores a growing ...

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Oxford Study: ‘Falling in Love Costs You Friends’

According to a study from Oxford University, on average, "Falling in love comes at the cost of losing two close friends." The data suggests ...

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Yoga Instructor Urges Trust in the Goddess within You

Yoga Journal is a popular American magazine that has almost two million monthly readers. A recent article by Sally Kempton, an internationally recognized ...

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Delay Is One Way We Disobey God

If you are willingly submitting to God, you do it right away and without delay. You don't say, "I'll start obeying God tomorrow." Delay ...

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