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Sermon Illustrations about Loss

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Loss to help bring your sermon to life.

‘Loneliest Sheep’ Rescued After Two Years

Britain's so-called "loneliest sheep," which was stuck at the foot of a remote cliff in Scotland for at least two years, has been rescued. ...

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Broken Heart Syndrome Is Real

A mere generation ago, “heartbreak” was an overused literary metaphor but not an actual medical event. The first person to recognize it as ...

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The Human Cost of the Sports-Betting Boom

The Supreme Court overturned the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018, quickly resulting in 38 states plus Wahsington D.C. jumping at ...

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40% of Bettors Have Never Been in a Casino

Is a trip to Las Vegas becoming a thing of the past? A recent survey finds 4 in 10 gamblers have never actually set foot in a casino. A spokesperson for ...

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40% of Evangelicals Say the Dead Have Visited Them

In the summer of 2023, Heather Beville felt something she hadn’t in a long time: a hug from her sister Jessica, who died at age 30 from cancer. ...

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Family Forgives Murderer at Sentencing

Jeremy Goodale and Willard Miller were recently convicted for the killing of Fairfield teacher Nohema Graber. Goodale told investigators that Miller was ...

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Neighbors Decorate House for Grieving Kids

"My husband Jerry was a ginormous presence. Such a happy guy," said his wife, Lori Belum. "He did everything for us. And he just loved ...

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Why Being Ghosted Hurts

We all have an ongoing fear of being ghosted. Ghosting is now so common that it was added in February of 2017 to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It describes ...

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NASA Orbiter Exploded Based on Wrong Assumption

On December 11, 1998, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. It was a highly advanced piece of technology that cost $327 million. The data it gathered ...

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Why Do Grieving People See Ghosts?

Why do people believe they have seen ghosts? Research suggests that the brain may summon spirits as a means of coping with trauma, especially the pain ...

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