Sermon Illustrations about Lostness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lostness to help bring your sermon to life.
What Is Wrong with the World?
Legend has it that G. K. Chesterton, the famous philosopher/theologian, was asked by a newspaper reporter what was wrong with the world. He skipped over ...
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Woman Blessed After Returning Cash
Sixty-five-year-old Dianne Gordon had a job at VC’s Marketplace in Waterford Township, but she lived in White Lake Township. After her Jeep Liberty ...
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Sheep Really Do Need a Shepherd
A sheep named Baarack received a much-needed shearing after rescuers in Australia found the abandoned animal with more than 75 pounds of wool weighing ...
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Fear of Being Buried Alive
Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...
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When the Prodigal Son Relapses
Almost five years to the day after he returned home the first time, the prodigal son emptied his bank account, packed a few changes of clothes, and snuck ...
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International Church of Cannabis
A Lutheran church has stood at 400 S Logan Street in Denver since the early 1900s, but as of recently it has become unoccupied. In April of 2017, the ...
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The Pilgrim’s Crooked Progress
In a review of A.J. Swoboda’s book Dusty Roads, Leslie Fields writes:
We all have stories of getting lost. Here is one of mine: I crossed the Sahara ...
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Harvard’s Chief Chaplain Is an Atheist
The Puritan colonists who settled in New England in the 1630s had a nagging concern about the churches they were building: How would they ensure that ...
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God’s Good Compass
It's significant that in Scripture, wisdom is often associated with a path. Are you going in the right direction? Are you veering off the path? Do ...
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The Search for God Cannot Wait
George Harrison was the lead guitarist for the Beatles. He embraced Indian culture and helped broaden the scope of popular music through his incorporation ...
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