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Sermon Illustrations about Lostness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lostness to help bring your sermon to life.

Test of Integrity

"Fairy Tale Princess Story Turns Sour After Newlyweds Lose Money." So read the headlines of the Daily Herald in Chicago. A newlywed couple had ...

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Search for Priceless Possession

Following an exhilarating performance at New York's Carnegie Hall, celebrated classical cellist Yo-Yo Ma went home, slept, and awoke the next day ...

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Home Mission Field

We have a real problem in this country when it comes to values. We have become the kind of societies that civilized countries used to send missionaries ...

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Room to Improve

When a man is getting better, he understands more and more clearly the evil that is still left in him. When a man is getting worse, he understands his ...

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Words Worth Remembering?

Consider this paradox: Almost everything that is publicly said these days is recorded. Almost nothing of what is said is worth remembering.

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Unsaved Americans

The fact that nine in ten Americans are not committed Christians is worthy of concern.

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Evangelicals Should Evangelize

There is a subtle false teaching that says we can be evangelical without being evangelistic. It has to believe we "go" to church rather than ...

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