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Sermon Illustrations about Love, divine

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Love, divine to help bring your sermon to life.

A Father's Secret Journal

There was a man who was a good husband and dad. He loved his family faithfully, was always around, steady, and took care of them. His influence, even ...

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God Himself Stepped into the Gospel Story

In describing the incarnation Jill Carattini wrote:

Novelist Kurt Vonnegut once said of one of his most recurrent characters, “Kilgore was the only ...

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The Quest for Love Endures

PBS’s The Great American Read is an eight-part series that explores America’s 100 best-loved novels. The series notes that one theme emerges ...

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Can a Loving God Also be a Judging God?

Timothy Keller writes “In A Reason for God”:

In Christianity God is both a God of love and of justice. Many people struggle with this. They ...

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In the Incarnation God Became both Small and Big

British pastor, Matthew Hosier, writes about a missionary friend who moved to a Muslim majority nation:

When we first moved to the Middle East we heard ...

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God Lovingly Writes Himself into His Own Story

In a video on YouTube, Pastor Tim Keller says:

Dorothy Sayers wrote a series of detective novels focused her fictional character Lord Peter Wimsey. Sayers' ...

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Dying Father Can't Take His Eyes Off Son

Greg Boyle, author of Tattoos of the Heart, a moving book about his work with gang members in Los Angeles, claims that we all have what he calls our "touchstone" ...

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Planning a Wedding for Overseas Soldier

When America went to war after Pearl Harbor, many couples married rapidly as men were drafted into the armed services. In a typical scenario, a young ...

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Getting Rid of the 'Kicker' In the Good News

Steve Brown writes:

I once asked a Jewish friend to forgive the church and me for [how the church has sometimes hurt] Jews in the name of Christ. I waited ...

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This 'Nutcracker' May Be Missing Costumes, But the Show Must Go On

A ballet company based in Providence, Rhode Island, has been putting on performances of the Christmas classic The Nutcracker for almost 40 years. One ...

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