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Sermon Illustrations about Love for Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Love for Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

Pro Soccer Player Made Soccer His God

In his article titled "Professional Soccer Was My God," former pro soccer player Gavin Peacock writes:

I was never going to be tall, so my dad ...

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Composer Wants to Express 'Love for Every Note'

For most Americans Arvo Pärt isn't exactly a household name. But the Estonian composer of classical and sacred music has won numerous international ...

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Worship No Other Gods—Except Celebrities

A few research psychologists have looked into the relationship between religiosity and celebrity worship. The team, consisting of a researcher from England ...

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Loving God Only For His 'Trust Fund'

Tim Keller uses the following scenario to illustrate how we can sometimes love God just for the good stuff he's "supposed" to give us (based ...

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Love Is More than a Padlock on a Bridge

For years people (mostly tourists) have been writing their initials on padlocks and locking them to the famed Pont de Arts Bridge in Paris, throwing the ...

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Worshipping God: Duty or Delight?

In a TV commercial a young man is struggling with whether to go through with an arranged marriage. In his home country arranged marriages were the norm. ...

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Doctor Killed in Afghanistan Had Already Died in Christ

In 1967, a student named Libby attended with her boyfriend, Tom. During the final commitment evening, both submitted their lives to the Lord. For 30 years, ...

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Love Your Work like a Dog Chasing a Ball

At the 2013 commencement speech at MIT, Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox said:

When I think about it, the happiest and most successful people I know ...

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Former Baseball Star Gives Up His Idol

In January of 2010, Grant Desme shocked the baseball world by announcing his retirement from the game. Only 23 at the time, the second-round draft choice ...

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Elie Wiesel Profoundly Impacted by Christian Writer

In his book Connecting Christ, Paul Metzger retells the story of the friendship between the Jewish writer Elie Wiesel and the French Christian writer ...

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