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Sermon Illustrations about Loving others

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Loving others to help bring your sermon to life.

Drew Cary’s Unique Signoff

For decades, Bob Barker ended each episode of the long-running game show The Price is Right the same way—urging viewers to spay or neuter their ...

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Jesus Transforms Our Wishful Thinking

In CT magazine, author and podcaster Jen Wilkins writes:

It was a typical Friday night at the Wilkin house. A spontaneous dinner had collected a growing ...

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Neighbors Decorate House for Grieving Kids

"My husband Jerry was a ginormous presence. Such a happy guy," said his wife, Lori Belum. "He did everything for us. And he just loved ...

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College Basketball Team Thrives on Teamwork

The unheralded Florida Atlantic University men’s basketball team made it all the way to the 2023 NCAA Final Four. How did they make it that far, ...

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Actor Jeremy Renner Risked His Life to Save Nephew

Actor Jeremy Renner said he would risk getting run over by a snowplow again to save his nephew. Renner said, “I’d do it again, because it ...

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Think First of Others

Navy Seal Admiral, William McRaven, talks about an important lesson Seals learn: Think first of others. In an interview with AARP, he said:

I like to tell ...

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What Can I Do to Help You?

Mike Huddleston was traveling for a training. He had flown from Maryland to San Francisco and needed to get to a rental car agency. But because of a degenerative ...

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Film Depicts Our Need to Be Seen

In the film Wonder, which is based on the novel with the same name, a 10-year-old boy named Auggie was born with a rare medical facial deformity. Auggie ...

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Refugee Revival

Dilli Lumjel gave his life to Jesus on May 4, 2011, at 1:33 a.m. Earlier that day, he had performed a Hindu funeral service for his father-in-law in a ...

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Roundabouts Coordinate Traffic for the Common Good

If you are the rare American who likes roundabouts, you have the British to thank. In 1966, they figured out what was going wrong. According to the original ...

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