Sermon Illustrations about Luck
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Luck to help bring your sermon to life.
Three-Time Lottery Winner Knows Real Wealth
David Wayne Sharpton, 54, has won major prizes in the Georgia lottery not once, not twice, but three times. In 2004 he won $350,000; in 2005 he won $1 ...
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Simple Text Message Leads to Marriage
After a night out with friends, David Brown, an Englishman, woke up with a series of random numbers on his mind. After much internal debate as to why ...
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"Signs": No Coincidences
Signs is the story of the Hess family in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who wake up one morning to find a 500-foot crop circle in the middle of their cornfield. ...
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Gold Doesn't Save
Lt. George Dixon was a genteel, well-respected man in the Confederate Army. In the early days of the war, his fiancée gave him a $20 gold piece. ...
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Beyond "Luck"
You don't just luck into things as much as you'd like to think you do. You build step by step, whether it's friendships or opportunities.
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Coincidence or Providence?
[A]s somebody said, ... "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous."
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