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Sermon Illustrations about Lukewarmness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lukewarmness to help bring your sermon to life.

Harvard and Yale Drifted from Original Mission

Consider this mission statement of a well-known university: "To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life and studies ...

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Gym Memberships and Absentee Members

Every January, millions of Americans, brimming with optimism and a little extra belly from the holidays, commemorate the New Year by making an unfamiliar ...

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Young Atheists Respect Christian Conviction

The Christian scholar Larry Taunton launched a nationwide campaign to interview college students who belong to atheistic campus groups. After receiving ...

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Pilots' Carelessness Causes More Accidents

Some time ago a rash of flying accidents for single-engine planes occurred across North America. When a comprehensive study was conducted of the 44 most ...

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'Treebeard' Can't Remain Neutral in a Battle from 'The Lord of the Rings'

Remember the character of Treebeard, a leader among the race of Ents, the shepherds of the forest in The Lord of the Rings? The Ents are described as ...

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Chuck Colson: Life Is More than Money, Power, and Pleasure

Charles Colson tells the following story about his home town of Naples, Florida, which he calls "one of the garden spots of the world."

It's ...

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Jewish Leader Prays for Everyone to Know Jesus, Even Christians

Arthur F. Burns, the former chairman of the United States Federal Reserve System and ambassador to West Germany, was a man of considerable gravity. Medium ...

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78-year-old Christian Leader Renews His Commitment to Christ

Soon after the publication of John Stott's 1971 revised edition of Basic Christian, he received a letter that read:

Dear John,
Thank you for writing ...

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Guide Tells River Rafters: Stay in the Rough Water

Palmer Chinchen writes in “True Religion”:

My brothers and I had traveled to the western edge of Zimbabwe to raft the Zambezi River. We boarded ...

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The Gentle Seduction of Temptation

In his book Tempted and Tried Russell Moore recounts an NPR program about a scientist named Temple Grandin who is researching new ways to gently kill ...

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