Sermon Illustrations about Luxury
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Luxury to help bring your sermon to life.
Connoisseurs Pay Top Dollar for Questionable Delicacy
People will pay top dollar for anything, as long as they think it's a rare treat.
Taiwanese coffee farmers have long been pestered by Formosan rock ...
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Facing Possibility of Death, Man Goes on Spending Spree
John Brandick, a 62-year-old British man, was told he would succumb to pancreatic cancer within a year. Thinking he only had that single year to live, ...
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Money: The Root of All Things
There are many things in life that are more important than money. And they all cost money.
—Fred Allen,
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Wealthy Investor Damages a Picasso
Throughout his life, Pablo Picasso is estimated to have produced about 13,500 paintings or designs, 100,000 prints or engravings, 34,000 book illustrations, ...
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Man Burns His Possessions to Find Happiness
British style writer Neil Boorman has decided to burn every branded thing in his possession. "I am addicted to brands," he confessed in a magazine ...
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Chesterton on Getting Money
To be clever enough to get a great deal of money, one must be stupid enough to want it.
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Man Too Wealthy to Tithe
D. James Kennedy tells a story of a man who came to Peter Marshall, former chaplain of the Unites States Senate, with a concern about tithing. He said: ...
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Philip Yancey on Living Without Possessions
I've become more convinced than ever that God finds ways to communicate with those who truly seek him, especially when we lower the volume of the ...
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Mary J. Blige: Trying to Reconcile Bling with God
Hip-hop music artist Mary J. Blige was asked the following question in an interview: "Mary, you're a devout Christian; how do you reconcile bling ...
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Exotic Spas Create a Feeling of Transformation
As of 2023, according to the International Spa Association (ISPA), there are over 125,000 spas in the world. The United States has the most spas, with ...
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