Sermon Illustrations about Lying
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lying to help bring your sermon to life.
CEO Learns What Happens When You Run out of People to Blame
A CEO has taken on a new job, and the outgoing CEO says to him, "Sometimes you'll make wrong choices. You will. You'll mess up. When that ...
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Author Michael Crichton on the Power of False Information
In 1998, Michael Crichton, author of the best-seller Jurassic Park, wrote a book entitled State of Fear, a fictional look at a global disaster caused ...
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Research on Honesty and Deceit
In 2008, New York Magazine ran a comprehensive article about research concerning kids and lying. In one study researchers gathered a group of children ...
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French Investor Caught for $7 Billion Fraud
Have you ever gotten yourself in big trouble—really, really big trouble? So big you can't even conceive of how much trouble you're in? That's ...
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Why We Lie
Bella DePaulo, a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who specializes in studying forms of human deception, asked college ...
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Lying Takes More Brain Energy
A study at Temple University School of Medicine found that lying takes more brain energy than telling the truth. Participants were divided into two groups. ...
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Phantom Exemptions Show the Prevalence of Cheating
Freakonomics is a fascinating book by economist Steven Levitt that turns conventional wisdom on its head. On the subject of cheating, Levitt calls it ...
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Donald Miller Realizes the Cost of a Lie
I lived for a time with my friend and mentor John MacMurray, where the first rule is to always tell the truth. John and I were sitting in the family room ...
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Confronting the Addiction of Harmful Words
Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, author of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal, has lectured throughout this country on the powerful, and often negative, impact of ...
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"Cellphonies" Take Deception to a New Level
The cashier had already rung up Keri Wooster's items when she realized she didn't have her wallet. She dashed to her car and returned empty-handed ...
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