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Sermon Illustrations about Majesty of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Majesty of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Astronomers Spot Brightest Object in Universe

Astronomers have found the brightest known object in the universe—a glowing core of a galaxy, called a quasar, located 12 billion light-years away. ...

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Other Skyscrapers Fall Short of the Burj Khalifa

In his recent book, Paul Tripp describes a trip to the see world’s tallest skyscraper:

Wherever you go in Dubai, you are confronted with the Burj ...

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Scientists Discover New Marvels of God’s Creation

Scientists studying two different parts of God’s awesome creation—the oceans below and the sky above—have made two startling discoveries. ...

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Web Wonders from A Creative Mind

God’s creative ability truly is more wondrous than anything man can conceive. For example, the spider and its web elicit considerably more astonishment ...

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Discovering God’s Incredible Beauty at the South Pole

Brett Baddorf, a missionary to the South Pole (yes, he lives and works at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station), has surprisingly discovered God’s ...

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Seeing the Creator in the Wonders of Our Cosmos

In Star Struck, David Bradstreet shares the following examples of the wonder of God's creation:

When the summer sun is beating down, do you ever wish ...

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Whales: Mysteries of God's Creation

Think for a moment about the mysteries of just one of God's creatures—a whale. These big, beautiful creatures spend 95 percent of their lives ...

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Secular Sources on Our Need For Awe

The March/April 2016 issue of Psychology Today attempted to give readers several reasons to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder with their article "It's ...

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A Moment of Wonder in Alaska's Wilderness

Author Philip Yancey describes a moment of profound wonder and awe in Alaska's wilderness. He was driving down the road when he came upon a number ...

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Giving Thanks for the Earth's Rotation

You may feel as if you are sitting still right now, but it's an illusion of miraculous proportions. Planet Earth is spinning around its axis at a ...

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